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分类:美国力科LeCroy 产品类型:LeCroy混合信号示波器
市场价格: ***元 最小订货量:1
800仪器网 工作时间:7x24小时全天候服务
总部批发热线0755-89812017(20线) 管理部:0755-89813017


MS-32, a Mixed Signal Option that adds full 32 digital channel support to most 4 channel WaveSurfer 400 and WaveRunner 6000 Series of high performance oscilloscopes. The MS-32 is an efficiency breakthrough for applications such as embedded controller testing, where multiple analog signals (comparators, voltage sources, sensor/actuator signals, etc.) are coincident with digital signals (address or data lines, control signals, or peripheral serial data signals). The MS-32 enables users to operate more efficiently, with fewer reconnections and faster time to results compared to solutions with only 16 digital channels.  Furthermore, the MS-32 and oscilloscope combination is available for a very affordable price. 



The MS-32 and a LeCroy 4 channel WaveSurfer 400 or WaveRunner 6000 oscilloscope combine 4 analog channels with 32 digital channels to provide a 4+32 solution.  This is a significant performance improvement over current 2+16 or 4+16 solutions.  “Existing 2+16 or 4+16 solutions were designed in an age when 8-bit microcontrollers were common, and 16-bit microcontrollers were becoming more prevalent”, explains John Hannes, LeCroy VP and General Manager.  “Today, customers are commonly using 16-bit, and often 32-bit, microcontrollers at speeds up to 125 MHz.  They are likely to need to observe twice the number of digital signals compared to a few years ago.  LeCroy's 4+32 solution greatly increases the likelihood that there will be enough analog and digital channels available to observe complete circuit behavior in one capture, which makes debugging more efficient.”  The MS-32 will easily allow a user to view all 16 ADDR and 16 DATA lines of a 16-bit microcontroller in one capture, time-synchronized with up to 4 analog channels; or, connect to any combination of digital lines.  The powerful and flexible triggering enables users to set up digital or analog trigger conditions to capture the event of interest.  The long memory allows users to capture all their signal information in one trigger, and then zoom in for greater detail and understanding.



Unlike traditional Logic Analyzers, the MS-32 is affordable, easy to set up and use, and features a simple user-friendly oscilloscope interface. A single hardware module consolidates all of the MS-32/Oscilloscope interconnections, so users can start viewing signals and debugging quickly. In addition, all standard oscilloscope tools, such as cursors, measurement parameters and zooming, are readily accessible. These features make it easy to add digital signal display and triggering to LeCroy's WaveRunner and WaveSurfer oscilloscopes, both of which offer a large, bright color display.  The WaveRunner DSO's higher performance capabilities and longer standard and optional memories are designed for users who desire the highest performance, need to perform analysis on long records, or have specific applications requirements, e.g., CAN Bus testing. The WaveSurfer DSO is ideal for users who require a general purpose oscilloscope for signal viewing and basic math and measurements. 


A wide variety of accessories is available for the MS-32.  These include additional standard lead sets in two different lengths (10.5”/26.55 cm or 14”/35.55 cm), Mictor connection cables, and variously sized micrograbbers.

导线连接器| 施工工具-工具包| 电气测试与测量| 数字通信网络测试| 线缆认证-验证测试| 产品目录
热成像仪| 电能质量分析仪| 兆欧表| LCR电桥测试仪| 示波器| 计量校准仪器| 红外测温仪| 温湿度表| 钳形表| 网络测试仪| 函数信号发生器| 电视信号发生器| 万用表| 布线测试仪| 光缆测试仪| 福禄克新产品| HART温度实验室| Fluke附件| 数据采集器
测振仪| 声级计| 分析仪| Rion附件| 粒子计数器| 其他产品
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振动测试仪| 振动分析仪| Vibration Simulation| Vibration measuring| Seismic monitoring system| Evaluation system for insulation deterioration
钳形表| 万用表| 兆欧表| 电阻测试仪| 漏电开关测试仪| 记录仪| 多功能测试仪| 电能质量分析仪| 相序表| 测温仪| 照度计| 转速表| 漏电钳形表| 电流适配器| 共立附件
在线式产品| ST测温仪| 食品便携式测温仪| 汽车用测温仪| k热像仪| 3i系列测温仪
记录仪|数据采集系统| 漏电流测试仪| 电感|电容|阻抗测试仪| 交直流微电阻计| 高精度万用表| 任意波形信号发生器| 直流信号发生器| 温度计|红外测温仪|热像仪| 转速表| 钳表| 照度计| 便携式电力分析仪| 接地电阻测试仪| 兆欧表| 万用表| 电池测试仪| 测试器| 日置转换器| 传感器探头| 电源|
示波器| 万用表| 逻辑分析仪| 信号发生器| 频谱分析仪| 误码率分析仪
高精度万用表| 过程校验仪| 电能质量分析| 接地电阻测试| 绝缘电阻测试| 钳型表功率计| 可程控式电源| 相序表电压探测器| 安全标准规格测试仪| 相关仪器与产品附件|
万用表| 示波器| 信号发生器| 稳压电源| 电子负载| 汽车测试仪| 频谱测试仪| 噪音测试仪| 逻辑分析仪| 电能质量测试仪
温湿度记录仪| 温度计温度表| 噪音计声级计音量计| 钳表| 万用表| 红外线测温仪| 温度记录器温度记录仪| 校正仪校正器校正计| 照度计亮度计| 绝缘电阻测试仪电阻计兆欧表
万用表| 数字万用表 | 模拟万用表| 钳形表
交流钳形表| 钳形漏电电流表| 交直流钳形表| 高低压钳形表| 绝缘漏电监视器| 功率表| 兆欧表| 万用表| 接地电阻测试仪| 高频监视器| 其他测试仪
被动除振装置| 能动除振装置| 振动测量及解析系统| 应用领域
数字示波器| 磁盘驱动器分析仪| 串行数据分析仪| 差分放大器| 配件和选件| LeCroy汽车系统| 模块化仪器| 混合信号示波器
万用表| 钳形表| 测温仪| 风速仪| 稳压电源| 电池测试仪| 气体测试仪| 噪音测试仪| 漏电测试仪| 绝缘测试仪| 电磁测试仪| 过程校准仪| 太阳能测试仪| 数据采集记录仪| 电能质量测试仪| 水质分析检测仪| 接地电阻测试仪| 线缆认证测试仪