产品名称及型号:Fluke 7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考,美国福禄克
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Fluke 7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考,美国福禄克实拍图片与产品介绍:Fluke 7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考,美国福禄克

7000/7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考
7000/7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考
10-Volt solid-state DC voltage reference

The heart of the Fluke 7000 Series is the fully isolated, compact 7000 solid state 10V and 1.018V direct Voltage standard. Designed to be robust and portable, its internal batteries support ‘hot shipment and plug-in’. However, should complete power be lost at any time, patented Reference Conditioning technology over-comes reference device hysteresis and restores the last powered value to the module. The 7000 modules also feature patented DC-DC convertor technology, which achieves unparalleled isolation from the external AC-DC Line power adaptor. This makes the 7000 series particularly well suited to Josephson Junction direct comparison

  • Self Contained 10-Volt DC Voltage Reference
  • Reference Module Interchangeable with Nanoscan and Transref System
  • 10-Volt and 1.018-Volt Outputs
  • Low-Cost Entry Point into 10-Volt Metrology
  • Suitable for Unpowered Shipment

7000/7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考
Self-contained 10-Volt DC Voltage reference

Owning a precision DC Voltage Reference Standard needn't be expensive or inconvenient. The Model 7001 is a complete self-contained Solid-State 10-Volt DC Voltage Reference in portable unit measuring only 137x85x290mm and weighing a mere 4.6 pounds 【2.1 kg) including batteries. Yet it's capable of delivering 1-year stabilities of better than 1 ppm.

Unique new DC/DC isolation technique

Utilizing a low-temperature oven that miminizes the ageing rate of its zener references diodes, plus thin-film resistor arrays that dramatically reduce the drift and temperature coefficient of its gain defining networks, the Model 7001 gives you a drift predictability after 2 years of better than 0.3 ppm/year and a temperature coefficient better than 0.05 ppm/°C. And because it utilizes a unique new DC/DC isolation technique, you won't find that the out-put voltage shifts when you switch between back-up battery and AC line supply power.

Patented zener reference conditioning

The Model 7001 isn't solely reliant on its batteries during transportation. Although it's an advantage to keep the zener diode oven up to temperature during transportation, patented zener reference conditioning guarantees that both the 10V and 1.018V outputs return to within ±0.5 ppm of their previous values if deep discharge of the battery caused oven control to be lost. As a result, unpredicted delays during shipment mean that your 10-Volt reference won't need complete recalibration.

The optional ruggedized transit case not only protects the unit, it also includes a temperature monitor that tracks environmental conditions during shipment.

7000/7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考
10V Output
90 days 【±ppm): 0.9
1 Year 【±ppm): 1.8
±0.5ppm/year typical After 5 points, 3 mo. apart
Temperature Coefficient 【15 - 35°C)
< 0.05 ppm
Noise 【rms)
0.01 to 10Hz: < 0.10 ppm RMS
Standard deviation of 90 day regression: < 0.10 ppm RMS
Hysteresis recovery
< 0.1 ppm 【after conditioning cycle and battery discharge)
Output Current
12 mA
Output Resistance
< 10 mOhm

Backup Period
16 hrs from fully charged
Recharge time 【typical)
2 hours
Half Life
5 yrs

Operating: +15°C to 35°C
Transit: -18°C to 45°C
Warm-up period: 10 min. to ±0.1ppm of final output value

General Specifications
Power, battery life
< 1W
12V DC Connection
Dimensions 【H x W x D) 137 x 85 x 290 mm
【3.5 x 2.1 x 11.4 inch)
2.1kg 【4.5Ibs)
UL3111, CE marked
EN61010-1-1:1993/A2:1995 CETL
7000/7001 10 V 固态直流电压参考
型号名称 描述
 7001  Solid-State 10-Volt DC Voltage Reference with External Power Supply
 7000  10-Volt DC Voltage Reference 【compatible with Model 7001, Model 7004N/7010N and Model 7004T/7010T)

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