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MATIS (Meiritsu Active Tabletop Isolation System) series of Meiritsu Seiki are Tabletop / Desk type of active vibration isolation systems which include vertical and horizontal sensors and actuators within their thin, compact forms. Easy to install, appropriate to use like an OA desk, MATIS series have high performance of vibration isolation and damping and provide vibration free environment for measurement, manufacturing and precise work which support advanced technology.

MATIS isolates low frequency vibration which can not be isolated by passive isolator.
Resonance due to natural frequency is often a problem in frequency range of several Hertz with passive isolator. Active vibration control eliminates this resonance and realizes high performance in this frequency range. For example floor vibration of low frequency around 2Hz will be decreased to one thirtieth compared to passive isolators.

Pneumatic suspension provides isolation up to high frequency range.
In the case of coil spring suspension, surging problem sometimes affect the isolation performance in high frequency range. MATIS are supported by air springs of the same type as large isolator has despite its small form, and provide surging free isolation performance. Also, it requires only small amount of air supply with its hybrid of air spring height control and linear motor vibration control and is free from large air flow consumption.

ATT series are designed small and thinly enough for installing everywhere easily / ADT series are supported with rigid frame.
Small size ATT series isolator can be installed within your instrument which works well only on vibration isolated platform. With just supplying air and AC power, isolated surfaces will be realized. ADT series Desk are supported by rigid base frame and minimize affection by frame resonance to achieve better isolation performance. Controller of MATIS series are stable enough so you can use them within your company and you can also include them as part of your company's product.

Steel honeycomb platform is light weight and high rigidity.
In 1974 Meiritsu started manufacturing Aluminum honeycomb platform for the first time in Japan. ADT series desk / ATT series tabletop has steel honeycomb platform that has been developed through further work. It has rigidity of 30-40% higher than aluminum honeycomb platform and same rigidity as Steel bulk platform with one fifth or one seventh of weight. This platform has high damping performance with cores and steel plates attached with small pitches and dampens its own vibration caused by external disturbance.
Small size ATT series has lightweight, rigid aluminum platform. This minimizes total weight and height and also minimizes the effort of relocation and enlarges the possibility of the sites where your instruments can be set up.

MATIS series is one of the indispensable parts for your best result.
There are a lot of instruments which work with its proper performance only on vibration isolated surfaces, platforms or floors. In the field of STM or AFM which makes nano-meter order range visible, vibration isolator is one of the indispensable parts. Fine tuning with instruments on isolator enables the best vibration isolation performance.

  MATIS (Tabletop) MATIS (Desk) Controller
Model ATT-0605 ATT-0806 ATT-1007 ADT-0605 ADT-0806 ADT-1007 MCA-2B
Dimensions [mm] 623x543x103 804x604x166 1004x704x166 702x602x750 902x702x750 1102x802x750 177x280x260
Mass [kg] 40 80 125 100 125 150 5.5
Platform size [mm] 590x510 800x600 1000x700 590x510 800x600 1000x700 -
Net load mass capacity [kg] 150 -
Supply air pressure [Mpa] 0.35 - 0.8 (dry, clean air) -
Supply AC power
- AC100V
Load mass natural frequency [Hz] over 200 (recommended) -
Isolating / Damping method Linear motor vibration control -
Leveling method Mechanical valve leveling -
Isolation performance Refer to diagram below -
Control DOF 6 -

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热成像仪| 电能质量分析仪| 兆欧表| LCR电桥测试仪| 示波器| 计量校准仪器| 红外测温仪| 温湿度表| 钳形表| 网络测试仪| 函数信号发生器| 电视信号发生器| 万用表| 布线测试仪| 光缆测试仪| 福禄克新产品| HART温度实验室| Fluke附件| 数据采集器
测振仪| 声级计| 分析仪| Rion附件| 粒子计数器| 其他产品
T系列热像仪| A系列热像仪| SC系列热像仪| E系列热像仪| P系列热像仪| 建筑用热像仪| I 系列热像仪 | GasFindIR
振动测试仪| 振动分析仪| Vibration Simulation| Vibration measuring| Seismic monitoring system| Evaluation system for insulation deterioration
钳形表| 万用表| 兆欧表| 电阻测试仪| 漏电开关测试仪| 记录仪| 多功能测试仪| 电能质量分析仪| 相序表| 测温仪| 照度计| 转速表| 漏电钳形表| 电流适配器| 共立附件
在线式产品| ST测温仪| 食品便携式测温仪| 汽车用测温仪| k热像仪| 3i系列测温仪
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示波器| 万用表| 逻辑分析仪| 信号发生器| 频谱分析仪| 误码率分析仪
高精度万用表| 过程校验仪| 电能质量分析| 接地电阻测试| 绝缘电阻测试| 钳型表功率计| 可程控式电源| 相序表电压探测器| 安全标准规格测试仪| 相关仪器与产品附件|
万用表| 示波器| 信号发生器| 稳压电源| 电子负载| 汽车测试仪| 频谱测试仪| 噪音测试仪| 逻辑分析仪| 电能质量测试仪
温湿度记录仪| 温度计温度表| 噪音计声级计音量计| 钳表| 万用表| 红外线测温仪| 温度记录器温度记录仪| 校正仪校正器校正计| 照度计亮度计| 绝缘电阻测试仪电阻计兆欧表
万用表| 数字万用表 | 模拟万用表| 钳形表
交流钳形表| 钳形漏电电流表| 交直流钳形表| 高低压钳形表| 绝缘漏电监视器| 功率表| 兆欧表| 万用表| 接地电阻测试仪| 高频监视器| 其他测试仪
被动除振装置| 能动除振装置| 振动测量及解析系统| 应用领域
数字示波器| 磁盘驱动器分析仪| 串行数据分析仪| 差分放大器| 配件和选件| LeCroy汽车系统| 模块化仪器| 混合信号示波器
万用表| 钳形表| 测温仪| 风速仪| 稳压电源| 电池测试仪| 气体测试仪| 噪音测试仪| 漏电测试仪| 绝缘测试仪| 电磁测试仪| 过程校准仪| 太阳能测试仪| 数据采集记录仪| 电能质量测试仪| 水质分析检测仪| 接地电阻测试仪| 线缆认证测试仪